My Labels

Monday, November 21, 2011

Who Likes S' More's?? I DO, I DO.

S' more Gorp
1 1/2 C. graham cracker cereal
1/2 C. peanuts
1/2 C. milk chocolate chips or M&Ms
1/2 C. mini marshmallows

In a quart wide-mouth canning jar, layer the ingredients as follows: 3/4 C. graham cracker cereal, peanuts, chips, marshmallows and 3/4 C. graham cracker cereal.


Unknown said...

Perfect to give as gifts!

The Better Baker said...

Yes - Perfect for sure! I'm making several mixes to give as gifts this holiday season and do believe I've just added another to my list. Thanks for sharing this wonderful and simple creative idea!

Jessica said...

Yep. I'm glad you guys liked it.